% 1 - ορισμός. Τι είναι το SCO
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Τι (ποιος) είναι SCO - ορισμός

Sco; SCO (disambiguation); The SCO; S.c.o; S.C.O,; S.C.O.

Santa Cruz Operation (Reference: manufacturer, Unix)
Santa Cruz Operation         
Santa Cruz Operations; The Santa Cruz Operation; SCO Professional Services; UCSCO; SCOC (NASDAQ); The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.; NASDAQ:SCOC; Old SCO; SCO Classic; Doug Michels (SCO); Larry Michels (SCO)
(SCO) A supplier of Unix systems for Intel microprocessors. They supply Xenix and Open Desktop. Founded in 1979, SCO became a public company in May, 1993 and trades on the Nasdaq National Market System under the symbol SCOC. SCO maintains its world headquarters in Santa Cruz, California, USA; a European headquarters in Watford, England; a Government Systems Group in Reston, Virginia; and offices in Asia, Australia, Canada, Latin America, and throughout Europe and the United States. In February 1993, SCO acquired IXI Limited of Cambridge, England, the leading supplier of Unix System windowing software. http://websco.sco.com/. (1994-10-28) [Addresses?]



SCO or sco may refer to:

Παραδείγματα προφοράς για SCO
1. SCO optimization, graphic design--
Human Trafficking - Realities _ Therese Caouette & Paula Bock _ Talks at Google
2. funny, right? We don't do SCO, because organically, we have
Fail Nation _ Ben Huh _ Talks at Google
3. was that, we don't really care about SCO. Like, we own the term 'lolcat'.
Fail Nation _ Ben Huh _ Talks at Google
Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για SCO
1. The SCO Foreign Ministers’ recommendation to grant Observer Status to Pakistan will be adopted by SCO summit meeting on Wednesday.
2. At the next SCO meeting on June 15, Iran will be invited to become a full SCO member.
3. Meanwhile, During his meeting with Secretary General Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), President Musharraf said that Pakistan wanted complete membership of SCO.
4. However, SCO secretary general assured President that he would soon contact SCO member countries and apprised them of Pakistan’s desire for getting its membership.
5. Iran, India and Pakistan joined the SCO Tuesday as observers.